We are ready for Industry 4.0 applications, web and mobile projects. We code the future with our dynamic, innovative and expert team.

Who is Kodpit Teknoloji A.S.
It is a technology company that gives services in the fields of Industry 4.0, Education, Information Security, Web and Mobile Applications, on both a domestic and international level.
It has many achievements with its R&D team in Teknokent and a countrywide team in the field. It enlightens the future by its vision projects that take place in the national press, which are developed for a national and entirely independent Turkey.
We aim to offer the best, most rapid, and professional Informatics services to our project partners with 14 years of experiences in the field, and 6 years of R&D studies in Technopark.
Some of Our Projects
Hacker Can
It is the first education platform of Turkey that is designed in order to improve the software development abilities, by writing Turkish and English codes, of anyone who wishes to learn.
Our platform, which can both be used in Turkish and English, aims to give its students algorithm and programming (real code writing) trainings, and to improve their problem solving skills.

Code Name 2023
It covers the Informatics trainings and workshops that are planned to be given all around Turkey after that responsible persons, in Youth Centres in all 81 cities of Turkey which have been developed by the Directorate of Youth Services, get trainings and workshops designed for instructors.
The instructor trainings include; Algorithm, web and mobile applications development, electronics and robotics. In addition, there will be workshops around digital marketing, effective social media management, cyber attacks, digital information security, coding trainings at a young age, and national software.
Pausem Academy
It is the "Coding, Electronics, and Robotics Instructor Training" Project through distance education, in cooperation with Pamukkale University.
It is a training program for instructors that covers algorithm and code writing trainings, web and mobile application development, game and animation development, 3D printers and 3B drawing, robotics and electronics trainings for everyone who is interested and for instructors of all branches.

Our Fields of R&D and Technology
Web, iOS and Android Software Development
We open up your ideas and projects to the world of web and mobile with our high-class, up-to-date, safe, and sustainable software development services of international standards.
You can host millions of visitors on your system with the cache memory systems of which we make the performance and safety computations, native mobile applications on iOS and Android platforms that we have developed, and web and database applications.

AR & VR Applications
We open the doors of a new world with Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Applications.
Say hello to new technologies with which you can communicate with server-sided software through web services; in which you can use 3D objects, interactive content, visual and auditory components interactively.
HoloLens Applications
HoloLens, that is developed by Microsoft as Mixed Reality Architecture, and that is send to limited countries in limited numbers, adds a new dimension to the world of smart glasses with its hologram technology.
We are determined to move you to a holographic 3D world, with our experiences that we got from our applications which we have developed for your HoloLens projects in Windows Store or in house.

Indoor Navigation Technology
Find the location you look for in high-rise buildings like hospitals, malls, or governmental buildings easily with indoor navigation.
Our indoor navigation provides smart guidance, with GPS and IBeacon technologies, within any building you demand. It is impossible to get lost with algorithm special for disabled individuals, algorithm for both elevators and staircases, and audio guidance.
Cyber Security Solutions
We present you reports about your digital safety by carrying out pentests for your inventory. We provide scales of how safe you are against hacker attacks.
After pentests, carried out by our security specialists, for your entire inventory like your server, web and mobile applications, web services (API) etc. your weaknesses will be reported and you will be informed about how to deal with those. If you wish, Kodpit’s "Digital Castle Architecture" can put your entire inventory under protection in the safest way.

Internet of Things IoT
With the concept of Industry 4.0, inter-device communication will offer smarter services to mankind.
Is there a smart home or digital business that you dream of? Would you like to control everything in your life online by your phone? Would you like to develop autonomous systems, and reduce the human-factor entirely? Our mechatronics (mechanics and electronics) team is ready to bring your projects to life with the Internet of Things (IoT).
National TV Interviews & Videos
Some Shots from Events
Some of Our Services
We put applications that work in every field into service, make them functional and simple so that everyone can make use, and add new features according to your demands.
Interactive Applications
We develop server based applications with advanced software techniques in web technologies, on many platforms. The development processes are based on feedbacks and is managed by agile processes.
iOS & Android Applications
We develop, and keep up-to-date, native mobile software integrated into independent or recent systems on mobile platforms that are an essential part of the world of software.
We develop innovative solutions with API and SDK interfaces that enable, the communication between systems; and the writing of integrated modules.
Smart World
We develop special solutions for all objects that are being prepared to be integrated into all areas of life and that are defined as Internet of Things, and we integrate these to your recent automations.